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Why Your Support Matters

The climate crisis is one of the most pressing issues of our time. It affects not just the environment but real people, families, and communities. By supporting Climate Justice for Rosa, you are helping to ensure that the memory of Rosa and all victims of the climate crisis is honored. Your donations will go directly towards:

  • Raising awareness about the human and environmental impact of climate change.

  • Amplifying the stories of those directly affected by climate disasters.

  • Advocating for urgent and bold measures from policymakers.

  • Covering travel and accommodation costs for Benjamin when he attends UNFCCC conferences such as COP, where he can continue to bring attention to the human impact of the climate crisis.

  • Organizing events and initiatives to keep the memory of victims alive and push for systemic change.

How You Can Help

Your generosity can make a real difference. Here's how you can support us:

  • Donate: Every contribution, no matter how small, helps us in our mission to fight for climate justice.

  • Share Our Cause: Spread the word about Climate Justice for Rosa on social media, with your friends, and within your community. Please use #ClimateJusticeForRosa to dedicate your climate actions to Rosa and climate victims worldwide.

  • Join Our Events: Participate in our events and initiatives to show your support for our campaign.

  • Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to help us with our various campaigns and projects.

Together, we can honour Rosa's legacy and work towards a world where no more lives are lost to the climate crisis. Join us in this crucial fight for justice and a sustainable future.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about our work or have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at Follow us on social media for updates on our latest campaigns and events. Thank you for your support.
