Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events 〰️

For Rosa
to May 31

For Rosa

For Rosa is a poignant one-person theatre show written by Nic Balthazar and Benjamin Van Bunderen Robberechts, directed by Nic Balthazar, and performed by Felix Maesschalck. It is a compelling narrative of friendship, coming of age, and tragic loss that propelled a teenager into a fight against the climate crisis. It is a story about and for the future.

Part of the proceeds from For Rosa will go to Climate Justice for Rosa vzw, which aims to honour Rosa's memory by continuing her fight for a more just and sustainable world.

After an exclusive preview in Brussels on 15 July 2024, For Rosa premièred at the Theater Aan Zee festival in Ostend on 3, 4, and 5 August 2024. The show will tour around Flanders and Brussels during the 2024-2025 season.

Tour dates (new dates will be added soon).

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Global Climate Strike Brussels

Global Climate Strike Brussels

To mark the Global Climate Strike, Youth for Climate, Rise for Climate, Grootouders voor het Klimaat and others are calling for mobilisation to reaffirm to political leaders the importance of social and climate justice measures.
We want to appeal to the world's heads of state who are meeting at the UN for a world summit on the future on 22 and 23 September.

Launched by Fridays For Future in 2019 at the initiative of Greta Thunberg, the Global Climate Strikes bring together young people, citizens and organisations from all over the world to oppose the destruction of the climate and ecosystems.
The aim is to call on politicians again and again to take effective action in the face of the climate emergency.

We are calling for :
- Compliance with the Paris Agreement
- An end to fossil fuel subsidies
- EU countries to adopt the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty ( www.fossilfueltreaty.org )
- An ecological transition that respects people and is socially just
- The universal right to water for the 3 billion people who do not have access to drinking water and sanitation
Why take action:
We are the *last generation* able to do so before an unbearable world in which humanity and all living things will totally disappear. We *cannot* resign ourselves to the failure of the Green Deal and climate protection measures, in favour of profits and economic growth.
Austerity and ‘climate pause’ cannot be the answers to the global crisis we are going through! In solidarity with MAPA and the underprivileged classes, we are marching. We are together. We are determined.
On 20 September, let's all take to the streets for our future!

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We draw the line - Knitting for the climate Brussels

We draw the line - Knitting for the climate Brussels

  • Place du Luxembourg Ixelles, Bruxelles, 1050 Belgium (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On September 25th we will gather in Brussels to manifest with knitted Red Lines from Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Scotland & Sweden.

We will gather at Place du Luxembourg in Brussels and have a ceremony where we hand over scarves to newly installed members of the EU-Parliament and then manifest together with our knitted RED LINE. Our demand is that EU and all other policy makers on earth respect the Paris Agreement and stay under the target goal of 1,5°C.

After 30-40 minutes we will take off and march to the alder tree planted in Brussels’ Ixelles district – known as Rosa’s tree. It is planted to commemorate Rosa, a young climate activist who tragically drowned in the flooding caused by climate change which took place July 14-15 2021. We will show her and all other victims of the ongoing climate crisis our respect and deep compassion.

Facebook event page

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Word jij één van de honderd? Estafetteloop

Word jij één van de honderd? Estafetteloop

Word jij één van de honderd?


Grootouders voor het Klimaat organiseren op 5 oktober 2024 een “estafetteloop” voor kleinkinderen en hun grootouders. Halfweg het parcours geven kleinkinderen die nog niet mogen stemmen, hun stemvoorkeur door aan één van hun grootouders.

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Climate (In)justice:How Climate Change Affects Children’s Access to Justice
to Oct 11

Climate (In)justice:How Climate Change Affects Children’s Access to Justice

As we confront the intertwined crises of climate change, economic instability, and geopolitical turmoil, the vulnerable situations in which children find themselves in are ever more evident. This year, the 3rd CFJ-EN Annual Seminar, organised in partnership with Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh) and CICS.NOVA, and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) will explore how climate change places structural pressures on justice systems which should be designed to respect the rights of children. Specifically, it will look at how strategic climate litigation and enforcing children’s right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly can help guarantee their access to justice within the context of the climate crisis.

By bringing together academia, practitioners, and policymakers, we will foster dialogue and exchange knowledge on transforming justice systems to better meet the needs and rights of children. This event sets the stage for the upcoming World Congress on Justice with Children in June 2025 and builds on key recommendations from Terre des Hommes’ 2023 report, "Climate In-justice for Children: How climate crisis affects access to justice and children’s rights."

Benjamin has been invited to this seminar as a speaker.

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Time’s up - Youth, NGOs and activists call on the EU to fight the ocean and climate breakdown. Now.

Time’s up - Youth, NGOs and activists call on the EU to fight the ocean and climate breakdown. Now.

All indicators are alarming: the ocean is overheating, and marine biodiversity is collapsing.This crisis not only threatens marine ecosystems but also poses a threat to the global climate and by extension, the survival of our species. The year 2025 offers a unique political opportunity to achieve concrete progress in ocean protection, thanks to the UN International Ocean Summit in June 2025 in Nice, France. In this context, a Citizens' Coalition for Ocean Protection, composed of 132 french NGOs, 120 public figures, and more than 45,000 citizens, has been formed to advocate for 15 essential points for the ocean, climate, and social justice.

On the occasion of the new European parliamentary session, BLOOM is organizing a mobilization campaign during an event in Brussels on October 16, 2024, and is expanding the coalition at the European level. Following the European legislative elections, we know that the majority of Members of the European Parliament will vote against protecting life unless we prevent them. At the dawn of a crucial European mandate in the face of urgent issues, BLOOM and youth organizations want to hold European institutions accountable for their responsibilities!

18h30 Reception and ocean exhibition

Scientists, activists, and artists will take turns speaking at the microphone.

19h Speeches and artistic performances.

Spaces for meetings and mobilization.

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COP29 - The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference
to Nov 22

COP29 - The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference

The Conference of the Parties (COP), is held annually, with the Presidency rotating between the five recognised UN regions.
This year, Azerbaijan has been selected as the Presidency of the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29), to be hosted in Baku this November.

Climate Justice for Rosa will be represented by Benjamin.

More info soon!

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